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The Iceberg Blog


PR Do’s and Don’ts

PR Do’s and Don’ts

  PR is an industry where you have to be reactive, creative, a good communicator, think on your feet - and keep people happy. We caught up with Leading Lady Lainie Coombes, Director of Project PR & Media, to ask her: what tips would she pass onto a younger...

#LeadingLadies: Ange Lin

#LeadingLadies: Ange Lin

Ange Lin refers to herself as a professional delegator; but we prefer to call her a philosopher. “I’m more of a doer than a talker”, Ange explains over brunch in Fitzroy, a little inquisitive as to why we’re meeting to discuss her career. A massive understatement....

#LeadingLadies: Fee Townshend

#LeadingLadies: Fee Townshend

Fee Townshend remembers the time she was shoulder tapped to lead PR Edge. ‘Did she know anyone?’ her boss asked her. She instantly thought of a handful of stand out women she knew in her network. ‘I meant you,’ he eventually told her. ‘Did you want the job?’ Eight...

Dealing with harassment in the workplace

Dealing with harassment in the workplace

Whether implied or overt, sexual remarks or advances at work from clients, colleagues or even managers are completely inappropriate and you have every right to record and report any scenario where you do not feel safe or uneasy. Regardless of whether a boss, a client...

#LeadingLadies: Lainie Coombes

#LeadingLadies: Lainie Coombes

Lainie Coombes, Director Project PR & Media, started out her PR career interning at one of Melbourne’s biggest PR agencies. “I had no idea what PR was”, she said, having studied PR at University. “But I learnt more in that one week at the agency, than all my years...

How to land that promotion

How to land that promotion

Ever wondered what it takes to land the promotion or pay rise of your dreams? We sat down with the Managing Director of PR Edge, Fee Townshend to ask her: what does it take to get noticed by senior management for career progression? Present solutions: not problems...

#LeadingLadies: Bec Brideson

#LeadingLadies: Bec Brideson

Bec Brideson is, quite frankly, one of the most ambitious people we’ve ever met. When she started out in the industry 25 years ago, she wrote herself a marketing plan for her career. Years later, she’s been the Creative Lead for top tier agencies; worked...

What does your 80% look like?

What does your 80% look like?

Employees spend 80% of their week with people they don't choose to. If they're not the boss, they've formed friendships and working relationships with people who have been selected for them.  Therefore, how your people feel about their colleagues (and...

How to find the perfect cultural fit

How to find the perfect cultural fit

Going from interview to offer happens very quickly in our industry. Agencies operate at a lightning fast pace and need great people fast. Therefore, it can be tempting to say yes to a job offer quickly so you can hit the ground running without taking the time to make...

About to resign? Do it right.

About to resign? Do it right.

If you’re thinking of kick starting 2016 with a new role - congrats! While you may be excited, it’s important to nail the art of resigning gracefully to ensure your team members and employer is looked after on the way out. Past employers can one day be your future...

Burnout rife in your agency? Read this.

Burnout rife in your agency? Read this.

Agency professionals have some of the most stressful jobs in the world, due to their reliance on tight turnarounds, pressure to deliver big results and lots of moving parts. A client facing role means agencies are under increasing pressure to be responsive to breaking...

Tips to progress your PR career

Tips to progress your PR career

  Virtual Elephant recently spoke to me on ways young players could progress their careers in the PR, communications and strategy and creative industries. Here's a snippet: What sort of advice would you give young media graduates finding it difficult to land...