I’ve written, recently, about 2021’s talent shortage. Despite all of our fears this time last year, the market is saturated with jobs – a dream situation! It’s a chance for talent to take advantage. No searching job boards without any result. No sending applications...
Industry Trends & Workplace Culture
5 Ways to Spot a Great Opportunity (and Avoid Bad Ones)
It's a talent-short market. If you think your prospects of landing a new position are low at the moment, think again – the current job market belongs to talent. There’s a steady stream of amazing roles up for grabs and a lack of (suitable) applicants. If you’re ready...
Mental Health in the Workplace Post COVID
As we approach, with starts and stops, the light at the end of the COVID tunnel, it’s fun to imagine the open borders, the (partial) return to the office and never having to check whether you have a mask on you. Unfortunately, none of the coronavirus vaccines address...
How Do I Effectively Transition From Friend to Manager?
A vent over a coffee is a pastime across industries for a reason. There’s plenty of studies researching the benefits of work friends, but it’s a no-brainer that you end up at the cafe together. Five days a week gives you a lot of time to make friends and plenty of...
You’re Not Applying for the Right Jobs
I’ve stressed before that you should never ‘apply to apply’. It wastes your time. It wastes HR’s time. When it’s clear that you’re not a fit, sending in your CV is more likely to permanently shut doors. The company will see your application, not as a genuine...
A Recruiter’s Guide to Finding Your Dream Job on LinkedIn
Most LinkedIn users are just floating in a sea of inactive and ineffective accounts: profiles without pictures. Profiles that haven’t been updated in years. Profiles which only list Microsoft Office as a skill. The site has made networking easier than ever, but that...
KPIs Post Covid
For all of last year’s changes, some things are set in stone. Commutes may be largely nonexistent and water coolers might have gathered a thick layer of dust, but we still have many of the same concerns; do our coworkers like us? Did we just send that private message...
Starting a Job Remotely (Part 2)
It’s finally 2021, which means that, somehow, we’re all sitting on the other side of one hell of a year. Unfortunately, the clocks ticking over into midnight didn’t reopen borders for this year’s vacations. COVID is still here, restrictions still exist, and many of us...
Starting a Job Remotely (Part 1)
After a year primarily viewed from windows and computer screens, Australians are looking forward to more freedom (I’m knocking on wood as I type this). But while social restrictions are lifting, our offices will probably remain dusty — at least for now. This means...
Should I Salary Sacrifice?
2020, as a year, has been synonymous with sacrifice. Australians, and Melbournians in particular, have given up family visits, weddings and birthday dinners. Vacations are indefinitely on hold, and so many parents have spent the larger chunk of their year indoors with...
Managing Back to the Office Anxiety
It feels like we’ve spent most of 2020 yearning for a return to the normal. Hardly a day goes by without a conversation where we discuss all the plans we’ve put on pause. It feels like we have spent the year dreaming of an alternate 2020 timeline where our weddings,...
Last in First Out Anxiety
It’s been a strange year in the world of recruitment. Some trends, like the rise in demand for talent with hybrid skill sets, and the drop in salary package offerings were the predictable result of employers having to grapple with a smaller budget as the Australian...