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The Iceberg Blog


When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough

‘No More’ violence against women rallies are raging throughout Australia in 2024. Everyone from federal, state, community, rally leaders, and more, have gone in boots and all to not only shine a light on the devastating attacks and heavy loss of female lives this year...

Side Hustle

Side Hustle

Is having a side hustle the new trend of 2024? With the cost of living skyrocketing in the last few years, many people are figuring out ways to make an extra dollar. Anything from rideshares (Uber driving) to starting a podcast for extra cash, the list is long. It’s...

Career Break

Career Break

How often do you think to yourself, "I'm ready for a career break”.  You’ve hit the wall in your career or just feel that you need time off from life? OR maybe you have family commitments that force you to take time off or want to take time off to travel the world? In...

Employee Loyalty

Employee Loyalty

Employee loyalty is a term that is tossed around a lot in the workplace. What does it actually mean in this day and age? How loyal do you feel about your employer? What if you’re too loyal to your employer? Is that even possible? According to Merriam-Webster, loyalty...