Recently we’ve been talking a lot about how part-time is overtaking full-time as the new employment standard. For many of you, this will be the first time you’ve had to step into the world of freelancing to fill up a standard working week. If you’re new to the...
Industry Trends & Workplace Culture
You’re Not Preparing For Your Zoom Interviews Properly
Over the past month, I’ve noticed consistent feedback from Hiring Managers that I’m working closely with on live job briefs; Talents are not preparing well enough for interviews. They’re not asking enough questions about the job (or culture of the company) that they...
2020 Job Hunting Etiquette
The 2020 job market has been a little chaotic. Over the past six months, the job hunting process has undergone a series of whiplash-inducing pivots to adapt to the dramatic health, economic, social and environmental events currently shaping our world. Some changes,...
The Pros and Cons of Job Hunting in the COVID Recession
The world is a tough place to live right now. But does that mean you should put your career on hold? It’s a conundrum. If you’re currently employed, there are some voices in the community saying “count your lucky stars and be satisfied with what you have”. There’s...
COVID-19 and Returning to Work: Know Your Rights
As the country begins to ease lockdown restrictions, a lot of conversations are going on about what a return to work might look like. While a number of suggestions have made by workplace safety experts such as Cheif Medical Officer Brendan Murphy, who recommended...
Will Working From Home Post Iso Mean a Pay Cut?
After years of speculation and resistance from many employers, necessity has forced almost every industry around the globe to commit to the work from home model. The results are in working from home has proven itself to be a change that most businesses and workers can...
Why a Flooded Job Market Makes it Harder to Find the Right Candidate
Over the past three weeks, 780,000 roles in Australia have been lost. It’s shocking to see not just the scale of layoffs, but the way they have affected all levels of seniority. Everyone from newbie Account Coordinators fresh out of Uni through to experienced GM’s...
Redundancy Season: Your Time to Thrive
It’s redundancy season in agency land. A new year, a tough economic climate and the endless push to innovate means that many of the agencies in the public relations, digital marketing, advertising and design sectors are cutting out the deadwood. Specifically, senior...
How to attract and retain the best Talent
Last Thursday our Founder Anna O’Dea was the keynote speaker at Servcorp’s event on how to attract and retain the best Talent for businesses. Interviewed by Katie Deeker, Anna shared key insights she has developed throughout her extensive recruitment career. Here is a...
Top Traits Leaders Seek in Talent
Have you ever wanted to read the mind of your interviewer? In such a competitive job market, small things can make a huge difference when it comes to who’s hired and who’s not. To find out what makes someone stand out, we asked five of our #LeadingLadies for the top...
Team Iceberg Moves in May
On Sunday the Iceberg team had the pleasure of participating in the CGU Move in May, a fantastic event hosted by one of our inspiring #LeadingLadies Angie Greene, Founder and CEO of Stand Up Events Melbourne Inc. The event was an inclusive community walk around...
How to excel in SEO: An industry that disrupts itself daily
Simon Mathonnet used to be a professional gamer who used his competitive and digital know-how to foray into digital marketing for startups across France, New York and Melbourne. Armed with a Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing, his role title now reads Head of...