Ever day dreamed about throwing away the day job and living a life of freelancing, coffee dates, long lunches and three-day working weeks? The reality is that freelancing can be a tough gig. You have to really know yourself before you rent yourself out. Before you...
Simon Greenland is as a freelance designer who has worked with some of the worlds most well known brands, including GE, Gap, Canon, Vodafone and Microsoft. He has sat on both sides of the recruitment fence, both as a freelancer and agency side where looking for...
Grant Flannery, is the Associate Strategy Director The White Agency and founder of Digital AdCulture. He often gets asked how he landed his gig as a strategist and shares his thoughts here. “I often get asked ‘how did you get into Strategy?’ I moved...
Grant Flannery, is the Associate Strategy Director The White Agency and founder of Digital AdCulture. He refutes the notion ‘content is king’; instead arguing that inclusive story telling putting the consumer first – trumps everything. “I have...
Lauren Fragapane is an Australian PR professional who relocated to London to further her career. Here she outlines the lessons she has learnt from relocating and what questions job seekers looking to work abroad should consider. A lot of PR professionals have...