#LeadingLadies: Elly Hewitt

#LeadingLadies: Elly Hewitt

How many of us can say that we’ve shared a luxury yacht with Beyonce and Jay-Z? Looking after the royal hip hop couple while working as a stewardess is just one of the incredible stories Elly Hewitt, Managing Director of Alt/Shift, shared with us over lunch for this...
Does UX Have A Confidence Problem?

Does UX Have A Confidence Problem?

Rohan Irvine, UX Researcher at REA Group, General Assembly Instructor and Founder of UX Gatherings, says yes. Aware many of his colleagues are working in isolation, Rohan Irvine is teaming up industry groups Ladies That UX, Prototypes & Popcorn, The UX Design...
#LeadingLadies: Penny Lipsham

#LeadingLadies: Penny Lipsham

What’s your current role? I’m the Head of Social Media at Mango Communications. When I started here three years ago, there was one person and a freelancer and now it’s a team in it’s own right. How do you manage client expectations around social? Very carefully, and...
Negotiating Your Worth At Work

Negotiating Your Worth At Work

Tackling the salary equation at work isn’t everyone’s favourite thing to do, yet demonstrating the ability to negotiate on behalf of yourself and others is at the top of the shopping list for many employers. It’s not easy and certainly doesn’t come naturally for all...
Why More Women Should Attend Hackathons

Why More Women Should Attend Hackathons

At Agency Iceberg, we’re all about supporting women in tech and helping them find rewarding roles in the industry. Hence why we were pretty excited to be invited to Girl Geek Academy’s Annual #SheHacks Hackathon for 2016 at General Assembly this past...