What Happens When You Don’t Get the Pay Rise You Wanted?

What Happens When You Don’t Get the Pay Rise You Wanted?

It’s July! Most of us are enduring cold Melbourne mornings whilst the other half are splashing EURO summer all over their Instagram stories.  Alas, it’s EOFY = pay review time!!!  So, what happens when you don’t get the pay raise you wanted? Do you stay or leave?...
PR & Culture Salary Survey Guide

PR & Culture Salary Survey Guide

The 2023 PR & Culture Salary Survey Guide is now live (download here)! We surveyed 100+ Australian (agency and in-house) based Public Relations talents over a six-week period, to find out current salaries, workplace perks and overall attitudes within the PR...
Working with the Enemy

Working with the Enemy

In our personal and professional lives, we will all meet & develop relationships with people that we don’t necessarily like or trust.  And, learning to work with or coexist with a work colleague can be extremely difficult and even impact our mental health,...
Drinking Culture in the Workplace

Drinking Culture in the Workplace

It’s 5 o’clock on a Friday and everyone in the office is heading to the local pub for “Beer O’Clock”.  Personally, I’ve been sober for almost 15 months to get healthy (physically and mentally) and sometimes, this time of the week can cause some anxiety. Not because I...
Closing the Gender Pay Gap Bill

Closing the Gender Pay Gap Bill

Saturday, 30th March 2023, was a historic day for gender equality in Australia! In short, the Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2023, bill was passed to close the gender pay gap in the Australian workforce.  So, what? If you’re a...