Keeping Your Cool During a Review

Keeping Your Cool During a Review

Reviews are this month for most agencies. How are you feeling? Nervous? Indifferent? Frustrated? How do you keep your cool and negotiate your worth during your review?  As a manager, giving constructive feedback is a skill in itself and not everyone can deliver...
Switching Jobs

Switching Jobs

“Stay at your job for at least a year.” “It looks bad if you keep switching jobs.” “Don’t let your employee know that you are looking for a new job.” How many times have you heard this from a friend, family member, co-worker or stranger when changing jobs after being...
Salary Negotiation

Salary Negotiation

Salary negotiation is a skill in itself. And, can often be seen as scary and intimidating for employees. Whether you’re starting a new job, or have been at your company for years, it’s crucial to know your worth! Let’s face it, nothing is cheap in 2023. Interest rates...
Gen Z in the Workforce

Gen Z in the Workforce

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, refers to the population born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. Bringing their unique perspectives, tech-savvy skills, values, and expectations, they are rapidly changing the workplace culture.  Often referred to as the...
Should WFH Staff Be Paid Less?

Should WFH Staff Be Paid Less?

Work from home? Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett recently suggested that people who choose to work from home (WFH) should be penalised by having their salaries cut… SAY WHAT?! According to Kennett, “There will be people making a decision (to work from home)...