Employee loyalty is a term that is tossed around a lot in the workplace. What does it actually mean in this day and age? How loyal do you feel about your employer? What if you’re too loyal to your employer? Is that even possible? According to Merriam-Webster, loyalty...
This Friday, January 26th is Australia Day & signifies the anniversary and the arrival of the First Fleet in 1778. And, the end of summer holidays and back-to-school time. It’s a chance to have one last summer BBQ with friends, head to the beach, or take a...
It’s incredibly tough to be rejected for a pay rise during your annual review. You’ve worked 38-40+ hour weeks for your company and are hoping to be rewarded with recognition and a pay increase with benefits (WFH, new job title, shares etc). So, when you head into...
It’s review time! What REALLY matters to you in 2024? What will you be discussing with your Manager this month? Do you have solid evidence of results to support your discussion when you ask for a pay rise or a new job title? I recently ran a LinkedIn poll,...
Reviews are this month for most agencies. How are you feeling? Nervous? Indifferent? Frustrated? How do you keep your cool and negotiate your worth during your review? As a manager, giving constructive feedback is a skill in itself and not everyone can deliver...