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A/S Salary & Culture Guides

Q1 Salary Benchmarking | PR & A/S Guide 2025

We took your questions to LinkedIn and asked, ‘Salary reality and expectations of PR GAD/DAD’, ‘Salary review time jitters’, ‘Job market is turning so what happens next?’ and so on!

As you will see from the findings and key takeaways from the surveys, there’s so much interest and debate over MONEY MONEY MONEY and rightly so with cost of living and market fluctuations all the rage. 

* Please note the Agency Iceberg Q1 Salary Benchmarking | PR & Account Services Guide 2025 is copyrighted and cannot be copied, shared or redistributed on any third-party platform.

Q1 Mini Account Services Guide 2024

I sent out a survey to 100 PR, events, marketing, digital, and advertising talents asking them to share their thoughts and feelings about their workplace, culture, and salary. We took your questions to LinkedIn and asked, what work-life balance looks like for you? When was the last time you had a pay review? Would you move overseas for the right role and money?

As you will see from the findings and key takeaways from the surveys, there is so much interest and debate over workplace vs culture conversations, job satisfaction, moving overseas for the right role, and so much more.

* Please note the Agency Iceberg Q1 Mini Account Services Guide 2024 is copyrighted and cannot be copied, shared or redistributed on any third-party platform.

Q4 Mini Salary Guide 2023

Welcome to Iceberg’s Q4 Mini Salary Guide 2023! This quarter, we are noticing a big difference in wages and a change in the market.  A wave of redundancies has hit many industries again and many companies are adamant that they will be taking away WFH incentives in the new year. From 1 July 2023, the National Minimum Wage increased by 5.75%. This meant the new National Minimum Wage increased to $23.23 per hour or $882.80 per week.

And, the average weekly earnings for an Australian working full-time was recorded as $1,838, according to the latest statistics from the ABS released in August 2023.  This is an annual increase of 3.9% or $68 per week. Many PR, advertising, marketing and digital talents will be up for their mid-year reviews in January, meaning it’s time to talk about Salary, KPIs and Performance!

We took your questions to LinkedIn and asked, what are people earning right now? What exactly is the earning potential and difference between an Account manager with 3-4 years experience and a Senior Account Manager who has 5-7 years experience?