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Get Moving!

It’s 1 o’clock on a Monday and it’s finally lunchtime. Your back is sore from sitting for hours, you’ve had three cups of coffee, and you’re having trouble concentrating after staring at the computer screen for hours. Sounds familiar? You’re not alone.

What do you do from here? Eat lunch at your desk because you have deadlines, go out to lunch with a coworker, or go outside and take a walk?

Only have a 30-minute break? No worries! Countless studies have shown that exercising for 15 minutes a day has many health benefits.

Not sure where to start? Below are some ideas to help guide you.

Get Moving!

15 minutes of exercise has been proven to increase your lifespan, boost cognitive ability, lower anxiety, and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

The benefits are countless, the bottom line is GET MOVING!

  • Take a brisk walk around the neighbourhood
  • Find an exercise buddy and create a weekly goal and hold each other accountable
  • Workout at your local park
  • WFH? Put on an exercise video and get moving!

I love nothing more than a 15-20 minute walk around my neighbourhood. It helps clear my thoughts and refreshes me. Rain or shine (it is Melbourne, after all), you can find me taking a walk on my lunch break.

Too Busy?

Do you find yourself swamped with work, dealing with tight deadlines, or days filled with meetings? While you might want to exercise on your lunch break, it’s not always possible.

If you take public transport to work, get off at a stop before your office and walk the remainder of the journey. If you drive to work, arrive a few minutes early and take a quick walk around the block, or bring your gym bag and hit the gym before or after work.

Like coffee? Go for a quick break and walk to your local cafe. Even if I don’t feel like a coffee, getting up from my desk and walking to my local cafe helps energise me, and I love checking in with the baristas. I always return to my desk feeling more motivated and ready to take on the day.

Was your new year’s resolution to exercise more and you are struggling to follow through? Do you start the week setting goals, only to find yourself falling short by Friday? Be realistic about what is achievable. It’s all nice in theory to commit to taking a 15-minute walk every lunch break, but things come up, and it may not always be possible. Set small achievable goals that you know are possible.

Speak Up

Are you still struggling to find the time in your workday to exercise? Speak to your manager about incorporating exercise into the office. Group exercising is not only beneficial for your health but also great team building.

Here are a few ideas that you can propose to your manager:

  • PT sessions for all staff
  • Organise weekly exercise challenges
  • Sponsor a fun run, and leading up to the event, allow staff to go for a jog during office hours
  • Gym membership for all staff
  • Buy a basketball hoop, wicket, or portable goals and organise lunchtime sporting games
  • Once a month, finish work early and organise a team building activity such as cardio tennis, laser tag, or visit a trampoline park

Is your manager still not convinced of the importance of exercise? Speak to other staff about lunchtime exercise activities. Maybe chip in for a PT, organise a group run, or create an office challenge.

Exercise shouldn’t be something you aim to do, make it a priority! Find something that you enjoy and get moving!


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