The Dry Promotion Debate

The Dry Promotion Debate

Have you experienced a “dry promotion” lately? Or even heard of it? It is when an employee receives a new title or gets additional responsibilities without seeing a pay increase. According to a recent survey as reported by HRD, nearly four in 10 employees...
Leaving Your Job? DON’T Do This!

Leaving Your Job? DON’T Do This!

Many, many, many people are still making silly decisions when they leave their jobs. It never ends, and it almost always comes back to bite you on the proverbial. Whether it is saving/printing out client contacts lists (“These are my contacts, so I should be...
Employee Recognition Ideas: Creative Ways to Celebrate Achievements

Employee Recognition Ideas: Creative Ways to Celebrate Achievements

Highlighting the importance of employee recognition is vital in boosting morale, improving retention, and fostering a positive work culture, but why do many Aussie workers feel undervalued? A little validation goes a hell of a long way, right? Let’s look at a...
Latest Poll: Less Pay for Shorter Working Week (Full Results!)

Latest Poll: Less Pay for Shorter Working Week (Full Results!)

Based on the full-time results of our latest LinkedIn poll, a “Shorter Working Week” is all the rage—to the extent that many would be willing to swap a pay increase to obtain this dream—that’s how serious it gets. Working smarter, not harder, seems...
Latest Poll: Less Pay for Shorter Working Week

Latest Poll: Less Pay for Shorter Working Week

With the current state of the economy in Australia, new workplace trends are emerging! The new generation of talents entering the workplace is demanding more flexibility, more rest, and less stress. Not only is this REAL, it’s catchy as hell! So, what’s...