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The Art of Using Humour in the Workplace

We all know that the benefits of humour in the workplace are that it can alleviate stress and create a more relaxed atmosphere, helping employees cope with pressure and challenges; but we always need to be wary of the type of humour. Jokes that worked circa 1950-1999 won’t fly in 2024. Actually, any joke runs a massive risk now, so check yourself.

But using humour the right way can stimulate creativity and innovation, encouraging employees to think outside the box, just as much as it can break down communication barriers and make interactions more engaging and open.

This piece highlights that “Humour – whether it manifests as a funny anecdote, joke, performance or witty remark – is a crucial tool for good leadership”, meaning that when used well, it makes people perceive their leaders as more effective.

But many managers just ain’t funny and the humour comes off as super awkward and a bit creepy because humour can be risky if misunderstood or misinterpreted, so some leaders avoid using it at all.

Strategies for Using Humour Effectively

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand the preferences and sensitivities of your colleagues. What’s funny to one person may not be to another, right?
  2. Use Appropriate Humour: Ensure that your humour is inclusive and non-offensive. Avoid jokes about sensitive topics such as race, gender, religion, or personal attributes.
  3. Self-Deprecating Days: Light-hearted jokes about yourself can make you more relatable and approachable if they are not self-degrading.
  4. Positive and Uplifting: Share funny stories, light-hearted observations, or harmless jokes that can bring a smile to everyone’s face.
  5. Let the Office Pets Bring the Funny: Joey the resident Labrador or little old Jinxy cat are naturally funny buggers, so they’ll take care of the humour for you.

Timing is Everything

Remember to use humour at appropriate times. While it can lighten the mood, it may not be suitable in serious situations or during high-stress moments. Obvious, yeah? You’d be staggered by the number of times this goes pear-shaped with a David Brent scenario ruling the roost.

You’ll also want to respect boundaries and maintain a balance, so ensure that your humour does not undermine your or others’ professionalism.

Another biggie is ‘Read the Room’! Pay attention to the reactions of your colleagues. If your humour is not well-received, it’s important to adjust and be considerate of their responses.

Examples of Appropriate Workplace Humour

  1. Light-Hearted Comments: This is generally office banter where EVERYONE is in on the gag like how many cappuccinos Billy is up to in the morning, or what amazing story Sally has as to why she is late again for the WIP.  Think low-level fun.
  2. Funny Emails or Messages: Share a mad meme, gif or funny work-related quote in a group email or chat. Some great back-and-forth LOLs happen here!
  3. Humour in Presentations: Include a funny slide or anecdote in presentations to keep the audience and you engaged.

So, let the fun begin!?

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